March 13th - 2025
Nearly half of the work has been completed in just two days. The server is expected to open on March 13 or 14, 2025, if no issues arise. So far, everything is under control. However, the launch may be delayed if we decide to add more features beyond the original plan.
March 11th - 2025
A major server maintenance will take place, aiming to complete the Redstone beta, fix server issues, and add new features. This is part of the upgrade to update 0.0.1 version of server.
March 8th - 9th 2025
Join us for our spectacular launch event with exclusive rewards and competitions!
Redstone Combat - v0.1.0 (Beta)
Unique PvP experience combining combat skills with redstone mechanics. Create (SOON), and custom weapons like AXES Bow with Miner area, in this game.
Play NowAdvanced anti-cheat system ensures fair gameplay for everyone
Unique gameplay features through our custom-developed plugins
Premium hardware for lag-free gaming experience
Friendly players and staff with regular events
Leading the vision and direction of HeatexMC since 2021. Passionate about creating the best Minecraft experience.
Staff & Community Manager
Ensuring our community thrives through, mderation, and player engagement.
Leader Developers
The coding genius behind our custom plugins and unique gameplay mechanics.
Leader Builders
Creating breathtaking structures and landscapes that make our server visually stunning and immersive.
Join thousands of players on HeatexMC for the ultimate Minecraft experience!